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Lawn Care

Hamptons fertilized grass weed control
Insect control in lawns Long Island

Lawn Fertilization & Disease/Insect Control

driveway weed control healthy estates
diseases that kill grass Long Island

Weed Control


Fed up with unsightly weeds ruining your lawn's beauty? Healthy Estates is here to rescue your outdoor oasis on The East End. Our specialized weed control service is designed to restore the health and vitality of your lawn, so you can enjoy a lush, weed-free landscape all year round.


Targeted Weed Treatments:

We tackle a variety of weeds commonly found On the East End, including broadleaf, grassy annuals, and perennials. From dandelions to crabgrass, we have the expertise and resources to eliminate these pesky intruders and restore your lawn's natural beauty.


Comprehensive Weed Control Solutions:

Our proven approach to weed control targets weeds at every stage of their lifecycle. Whether they're just sprouting or deeply rooted, we use advanced techniques and eco-friendly products to ensure effective and long-lasting results. Say goodbye to weeds and hello to a healthier, more vibrant lawn.


Driveway Weeds

We provide two seasonal applications to eliminate your driveways weeds, or we will come pick them ourselves, at no expense.


Lawn Fertilization

Is your lawn lacking vitality and struggling to thrive? Experience the transformative power of professional lawn fertilization.


Personalized Fertilization Solutions:

We recognize that every lawn is unique. That's why we begin by conducting

a thorough assessment of your lawn's specific requirements, taking into account factors such as grass varieties, soil composition, and environmental conditions. This enables us to tailor a customized fertilization plan designed to maximize the health and beauty of your lawn.


Premium Fertilization Products:

Our fertilization treatments utilize premium-quality, slow-release fertilizers enriched with

essential nutrients like nitrogen and potassium. These carefully formulated products are

applied strategically throughout the growing season to promote robust growth, vibrant color, and increased resilience in your lawn. Here at Healthy Estates, we strictly only use liquid-based compounds. We do not use granular compounds, to keep you children and pets safe!


For a list of our products, Click here.


Comprehensive Lawn Care Programs:

For comprehensive lawn maintenance that encompasses fertilization and weed control,

consider enrolling in Healthy Estates's Lawn Care Program. This all-inclusive service combines fertilization treatments with targeted weed management, ensuring year-round protection and nourishment for your lawn.


Ready to elevate your outdoor space and enjoy a healthier, more vibrant lawn? Contact Healthy Estates today at (631) 680-1924 to schedule your free consultation. Let our experienced team of lawn care specialists transform your lawn into a lush, green paradise. With Healthy Estates, your dream lawn is within reach.


Lawn Disease & Insect Control


Enhance your Lawn Care Program with our Lawn Disease Treatment Service, addressing issues such as dead or dying spots that may signal the presence of disease. Turf grass diseases, predominantly caused by fungus, thrive in conditions of high humidity, moisture, stress, and certain grass types.


Lawn diseases generally fall into two categories:

Leaf Diseases:

These affect the blades of grass and include leaf spot, red thread, dollar spot,

snow mold, and powdery mildew. While some may resolve without significant damage, under favorable conditions, serious harm can occur.

Patch Diseases:

These target the roots and include summer patch and brown patch. Symptoms

may not be visible until significant damage has occurred, making prevention crucial, especially in areas prone to extreme weather.


Accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. Our specialists conduct laboratory

analyses and visual inspections to identify the specific cause of distress in your lawn.


To combat lawn disease effectively, we implement a comprehensive treatment plan, including:

  • Treating the Fungal Pathogen:

    • Fungicides can halt the spread of disease, with preventive programs recommended to prevent recurrence.

  • Overseeding with Disease-Resistant Grass Varieties:

    • High-quality, disease-resistant grass seed helps establish resilient turf.

  • Addressing Insect Problems: 

    • Insect control measures protect turf health, safeguarding against destructive insects such as chinch bugs and grubs. Chinch bugs can pierce grass blades and suck out the sap, causing yellow or brown patches to form, while grubs feed on grassroots, leading to wilting and browning of the turf.

  • Aerating the Soil: 

    • Core aeration promotes air, water, and nutrient movement to strengthen the root system.

  • Fertilizing:

    • Nutrient-rich fertilizers support healthy turf growth. 

  • Implementing Proper Cultural Practices:

    • Drainage improvement, proper mowing, and irrigation practices further bolster disease control efforts.


Common lawn diseases such as leaf spot, red thread, dollar spot, snow mold, powdery mildew, brown patch, and summer patch require specialized treatment tailored to their characteristics and timing of occurrence.


Trust our experienced lawn care specialists to help you achieve lush, vibrant turf. Whether you need treatment for existing issues or want to explore preventive measures, Healthy Estates is here to assist you. Contact us at the provided number or visit our website to learn more about our services.



We provide services from Montauk to Riverhead to Orient, For a full list of areas we cover please click here. 




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